Featuring our latest microbolometer sensor, Teledyne DALSA's Calibir offers great sensitivity and precision, outstanding dynamic range for wide temperature coverage, and factory-calibrated radiometric performance, delivering accurate, repeatable temperature data. Calibir GXM infrared camera platform offers powerful thermal performance and accurate radiometric capability, making it an ideal component for systems to detect elevated skin temperature, even in high traffic public places like transit depots, casinos, & amusement parks.
A full-face imaging approach using thermal (long wave infrared) cameras has the potential to be more accurate, consistent, and thorough than a single point sampling approach. It also has the potential for higher throughput (more people screened more quickly) and lower exposure for front-line healthcare workers. A thermal image can include a temperature reference (from a black body radiator for example) in the scene for much higher accuracy and reliability, and an automated imaging system can free healthcare hands to do other important tasks.